Select Portfolio Management, Inc.
Integrated Wealth Management
Wealth Management For Individuals
Wealth Management For Business Owners
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Business and Life Coach

Bob believes that everyone has untapped potential that is never realized because of most of us have not taken the time to identify unique strengths and clarify personal values. As a result, many are constrained by strengths that lie dormant and never put into play and are challenged by living a life where values are incongruent to what one does. Bob helps people cut through the clutter and bring clarity by utilizing a LifePlanning approach that encompasses a look at personal life turning points and present day reality. Much self-learning can be accomplished by looking back to examine the patterns and trends of ones life through the lens of today.

A good coach asks more questions than dispensing answers and giving advice, because self-discovery is always more effective. Coaching is a combination of structure and art and Bob draws on his years of corporate leadership experience developing business leaders to move to the next level. For Bob there is nothing that brings greater satisfaction than helping others discover how God has wired us individually to make our unique contribution to others.

Bob has impacted numerous lives in his role as business leader and coach. He offers a dimension at Select Portfolio Management that compliments wealth management with life planning. Leaving a legacy integrates personal values along with stewardship of one's personal assets to reflect a lasting impact that continues beyond living out one's life. The primary aim of life should be supported by our vocation or our business that ultimately plays itself out by leveraging our time, talent and treasure to serve God and serve others.

Professional Experience

Over 20 years experience as a senior level executive Bob draws on his experience of leadership and people development as a base for coaching people to higher levels of performance. Currently he works with entrepreneurial business owners who seek to gain balance in life roles as well as leading and growing a business enterprise. Bob is a certified LifePlan facilitator and helps leaders to gain insight to their uniqueness in order that they can “bring who they are to what they do” and ultimately be more effective in all of life’s roles.In addition to life coaching, Bob is engaged in a CBMC FORUM groups, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Cook Ministries as well as being part SPM’s professional team. Bob’s role at SPM is to be a communication conduit to many of the non-profit philanthropic organizations associated with SPM as well as focusing on internal operating processes.


¢ Bachelor of Business Administration - Georgia State University

Contact Bob at

¢ 120 Vantis Drive. – Suite 440, Aliso Viejo, CA, 92656

¢ TEL: (800) 445-9822, (949) 975-7900

¢ FAX: (949) 900-8181