Select Portfolio Management, Inc.
Integrated Wealth Management
Wealth Management For Individuals
Wealth Management For Business Owners
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Integrated Wealth Management
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Every family is unique in its needs and desires for wealth management. Most however, share several of the following objectives:

  • Accumulate Wealth
  • Reduce Taxes
  • Protect Assets
  • Manage Risk
  • Maintain Control over Personal Affairs
  • Manage Cash Flow
  • Increase Charitable Giving Potential
  • Coordinate Estate Distribution
  • Increase Control over Social Capital
  • Allocate Assets more Efficiently
  • Increase Social Capital Leverage
  • Manage Family Business Succession
  • Protection of family privacy and confidentiality
  • Preservation of family values

Overcome Wealth Management Challenges

“What Can Be So Hard About Managing Wealth?”

Entrepreneurs who have built a business, individuals who have inherited substantial wealth, or senior executives who have substantially benefited from their investments and stock options often ask, “What can be so hard about managing wealth?”

As wealth accumulates, so does the number of advisers…attorneys, accountants, investment managers, insurance professionals, trust officers, and private bankers…to the point where they may lack coordinated expertise on your behalf.

The capabilities that enabled an individual to accumulate wealth may not be the same capabilities that are required to select, manage, and evaluate advisers who have diverse skills related to income tax, wealth transfer, business succession, retirement, risk management, and investment planning. Moreover, without a coordinated team of advisers, studies show that families often lose much of their wealth by the second or third generation.

Consequently, comprehensive wealth management has become one of the most effective means for America’s successful families to centralize and optimize the management of their financial affairs. A trained Wealth Advisor can coordinate a team to provide all necessary services.

At SPM, families expect results from their Wealth Advisors and we consistently deliver!  While SPM offers one of the most comprehensive arrays of services for affluent families, how we help them use these services sets us apart.  With SPM’s assistance and guidance, you can:

Control 100% of Your Wealth – by employing strategies that enable you to:

  • Work with planners who understand the complexities of multi-disciplinary planning.
  • Benefit from the depth of experience of advisers who specialize in unique strategies for affluent families.

Integrate Advanced Tools into a Comprehensive Plan – that allows you to: 

  • Apply creative and cutting-edge ideas not commonly used
  • Improve both your portfolio and your estate plan to achieve true wealth management integration
  • Maintain financial and estate information in a format that keeps all of your advisers “on the same page”
  • Integrate the impact of all proposed strategies on cash flow, income taxes, charitable giving, estate taxes and wealth distribution
  • Understand the integrated planning effects through attractive and easy-to-follow graphs, tables, and text reports
  • Easily re-optimize the plan in response to changing goals, asset values, or tax laws