What retirement plan is the right
fit for your business?
you’re self-employed and need to fund your own retirement or a
small business owner looking to create a sound financial future
for you and your employees, SPM offers a variety of retirement
plans to fit your needs.
There are several types to choose from and the options can be
confusing. For example, some retirement plans are better suited
for sole proprietors, while others are more appropriate for
businesses with more employees. Experts estimate that Americans will
need 70 to 90 percent of their preretirement income to maintain
their current standard of living when they stop working. So now
is the time to look into retirement plan programs. As an
employer, you have an important role in helping America’s
workers save.
Many small business owners say they want to set up a 401(k) plan
because that is the plan they are most familiar with, however,
after analysis of the choices available, another plan type,
such as a SEP IRA or a Self-Employed 401(k), may be more
Compelling reasons why businesses
start retirement plans
You want to help secure your future and that of your employees
Offering a retirement plan can help your business attract and
keep employees
There are potential tax benefits to offering a plan
Common retirement plans business
owners implement
Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP IRA)
Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE IRA)
Self-Employed 401(k) Plan
401(k) Plans for larger companies or 403(b) Plans for
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans

For many Employee Retirement Plan Participants … that journey
begins with enrolling in their company’s retirement plan whether
it is a 401k, 403b or other defined contribution plan. Having a
team working for them enables participants the freedom to invest
with confidence in their future. As you consider the specific
features of each plan please feel free to reach out to Select
Portfolio Management, Inc. for assistance in this very important
business decision.
SPM Business Retirement Planning
Solutions include:
Defined Benefit Plans
Defined Contribution Plans
Profit-Sharing Plans
Qualified and Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans